TWO-IN-ONE: Dove Men plusCare Active Clean Shower Tool delivers two levels of scrubbing power. The dual sided shower tool builds lather and exfoliates with body wash for a deeper clean.
FROM THE DERMATOLOGIST RECOMMENDED MEN’S BRAND: This easy-to grip and hang shower tool turns your shower into a simple and efficient skin care routine.
RICH LATHER: The mesh side of the shower tool is perfect for creating a rich lather with body wash. We recommend using Dove Men plusCare body wash for a deep, refreshing clean.
EXFOLIATES SKIN: The scrub side of the shower tool exfoliates skin to leave it feeling stronger and healthier than just body wash alone.
DESIGNED FOR MEN: Men’s skin care is different. Men sweat more, have thicker skin and lose hydration faster. Our shower tool is developed for men’s skin to keep it healthy and protected from dryness.
CLEANSE WITH CARE: The skin cleansing efficacy and men’s skin care you need, all in one product.
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